Things I tell to myself.

 Things I tell to myself...

Sometimes we expect so much and are so strict with ourselves... These days I learned I have to have patience with me too. I too, deserve love and kindness from myself.

Taking control over how I am going to see my day, and over how I am going to react to different scenarios has changed my life. So I tell to myself: Did I have a shitty day today? yes, today was a boring.unproductive sad day, but sometimes you have those days,and it's okay.

I couldn't get everything done? it's okay, you did your best, be a little kinder to yourself and be proud for what you DID get done.

Do I feel like I did not do my best at all? IT IS OK, you're not a robot, you're not gonna be super concentrated everyday, give yourself a break.

I try to block the mean thoughts that often come into my mind and replace them with kind ones:

I am not useless.

I have potential and I'm gonna find it.

No, I am not a failure.

I AM good enough.

I DO deserve some rest.

Eventually, the good thoughts are gonna take over the bad ones.

One more thing, I think it is important to not deny the bad things that have happened or that you've done, but instead accept that you're gonna make mistakes and have shitty days, and go through tough situations in life, but that IT IS OKAY..


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